The new season is about to begin and there are a few announcements to be made.
Senior nets have been moved to the summer slots, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. This week (26th and 27th April) training will start at 6.00pm, every week of the summer thereafter, 6.30pm. Due to increasing competition for places, training isn't a bad idea if you want to play.
Junior nets are now Sundays 10.30-12 at Accies.
Fantasy Cricket
Fundraising efforts will continue through the season and first up is fantasy cricket.
The cost to enter is just £10 for seniors, £5 for students/juniors. The top 3 teams will win fabulous prizes - the exact nature of these prizes remains tbc, but there is a good chance they will be frothy, cold and delicious.
Fantasy cricket can be accessed at the top-right of the home-page.
All senior & junior team fixtures for the coming season can now be viewed online.
There is still a chance to give money to the club by means of sponsorship. You or a rich friend could sponsor anything from a player or match ball (£20) to a boundary board (£250 for a season) or even the whole club.
All enquiries to Fraser Murray (See: "Contact Us")
Support Our Troops
If you aren't playing but are free for some or even all of a Saturday, come down and support the club. The next fixtures can be viewed at the top-right of the main page. This Saturday (29th April) the brave and the bold can cross the fence and support the 1XI at GHK, while those of you who prefer more familiar surroundings can watch the 2s from the comfort of the bar at Accies.