End of season AGM and Dinner a great success!

The end of August always brings a great panic to team captains and your committee as we always hold this event at the beginning of September. There is great gnashing of teeth when trying to find that one elusive match that is needed to finalise the averages (usually found in some obscure scorebook that has nothing to do with the team that actually played the match), trying to organise office bearers for the following season and generally organising the Dinner itself together with any awards that might be made on the evening.

Greater emphasis was placed in attracting younger members to this year’s dinner and we were delighted to have Tom Sutton and his family plus Susie Hopkins attending. It was just as well as some of the regular senior members for various reasons were unable to come. Notwithstanding our retiring chairman, Jimmy Smith, did not let us down. He had us all rolling around in the aisles as usual and was a very worthy recipient of a quaich commemorating his fourteen years in office. Vic Hadcroft also received a quaich for his contribution to the Junior Section and Tom Sutton was presented with his hat-trick ball. The 2nd XI players presented a quaich to the retiring captain, Colin Atkinson.

Dobbin’s comment was,“This is the section’s “flagship” evening and is hugely enjoyable. There is no reason why younger members and parents should not be encouraged to join in the fun.”