SCU keeps it quiet! Accies youngsters hit it big!

In time honoured tradition Dobbin has found out that several of the players nominated for West District winter coaching have also been approached by the SCU (or Scottish Cricket Ltd as it now likes to be called) with invitations to national training sessions in Edinburgh. The West District has received no notification of the players involved The following list of names is not necessarily comprehensive and merely represents those who have advised Dobbin that they have received invitations:-

  • U17 - Johnnie Beattie
  • U15 - Luke Moreland, Euan Sheridan and Roddy Kelso
  • U12 - Duncan Kelso and Alistair Crawford

If anyone else has received an invitation please let Dobbin know for the record. The West District is waiting with bated breath for the SCU (or SCL) to announce fixtures for next year’s Championships but we suspect that the U19 matches and the U13 Festival will be dropped. There is, however, an invitation from Durham CC for the U15 and U13 groups to take part in a tournament in the second and first weeks in July respectively, and the West District is investigating the feasibility of this.