Update your availability online

To help our senior team captains (especially Saturday and Midweek), we've reintroduced the player availability tool on our website.

If you already have an account, log-in and go to player availability.

If you don't currently have an account, please register, then drop us an email with your username and real name and we'll set you up.

To encourage completion, we're having an additional raffle at the end of season dinner with two prizes of £25.  For every week you enter your availability accurately for, you'll receive one ticket.

* For midweek games, update by 5pm on the preceding Friday.
* For weekend games, update by 5pm on the preceding Sunday.
* Maximum of one prize per player.
* Entry to the raffle conditional on subscription and levy already having been paid.
* Money will be paid to the parent/guardian if U18.