Gordon Fyfe: 1XI 1976

1XI 1976 season summary


M I NOs R 50s 100s Avg HS C St RO
15 11 3 127 0 0 15.87 27 6 0 0


B R W 3W 5W Avg ER SR Best
18 2 0 0 0 N/A - 0.67 0-2

1XI 1976 match-by-match performance

Date Opposition Bat Bowl C St RO
24/04/76 Clydesdale (a) 7* -
02/05/76 West of Scotland (h) - -
08/05/76 Stenhousemuir (a) 13 -
16/05/76 Kilmarnock (a) - -
06/06/76 Poloc (a) - 0-2
13/06/76 Edinburgh Accies (a) 4 -
19/06/76 Melrose (a) 9 - 2
20/06/76 Hawick & Wilton (a) 25* -
26/06/76 GHK (a) 15 - 1
27/06/76 Ayr (a) 2 - 2
04/07/76 Clackmannanshire (a) 3 - 1
10/07/76 Greenock (a) 27 -
11/07/76 West of Scotland (a) - -
17/07/76 Dumfries (h) 10* -
25/07/76 Dunbartonshire (h) 12 -

1XI 1976 batting record by batting position

Position Inns NOs Runs 50s 100s HS Avg

Other teams in 1976