Andy Innes (Jnr): 1XI 1966

1XI 1966 season summary


M I NOs R 50s 100s Avg HS C St RO
8 8 0 309 1 0 38.62 60 0 0 0

1XI 1966 match-by-match performance

Date Opposition Bat Bowl C St RO
26/06/66 Ayr (a) 40 -
02/07/66 Edinburgh Accies (h) 60 -
31/07/66 West of Scotland (a) 43 -
06/08/66 Watsonians (a) 43 -
07/08/66 Ferguslie (a) 43 -
20/08/66 Dunfermline (h) 34 -
27/08/66 Milngavie and Bearsden (h) 26 -
28/08/66 Kilmarnock (a) 20 -

1XI 1966 batting record by batting position

Position Inns NOs Runs 50s 100s HS Avg

Other teams in 1966