Lewis Oliver: 3XI v Ardencaple

3XI v Ardencaple record


M I NOs R 50s 100s Avg HS C St RO
3 2 2 10 0 0 N/A 10* 0 0 0


B R W 3W 5W Avg ER SR Best
78 42 6 1 0 7.00 13.00 3.23 4-15

3XI match-by-match performance

Date Venue Bat Bowl C St RO
01/08/15 Ardencaple - 4-15
03/06/17 The School Ground 0* 1-14
03/06/17 The School Ground 0* 1-14
22/07/17 Ardencaple 10* 1-13
22/07/17 Ardencaple 10* 1-13