Glasgow Accies U12 Team records 2004

Statistic Number Percentage
Matches scheduled 17
Played 11 64.6%
Won 4 36.3%
Drawn 0 0.0%
Tied 0 0.0%
Lost 7 63.6%
Tosses won 6 60.0%
Tosses lost 4 40.0%
Players used 22

Highest innings total

Total Overs Match Date Ground
119-2 20.0 Glasgow Accies U12 v Uddingston U12 31/05/04 New Anniesland
87-5 20.0 Glasgow Accies U12 v West of Scotland U12 20/08/04 New Anniesland
86-4 19.4 Glasgow Accies U12 v West of Scotland U12 04/06/04 New Anniesland
79 all out 19.2 West of Scotland U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 14/05/04 Hamilton Crescent
77-8 20.0 Prestwick U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 13/08/04 Henry Thow Oval

Lowest innings total

Total Overs Match Date Ground
18 all out 11.2 Glasgow Accies U12 v Ferguslie U12 06/08/04 New Anniesland
75-2 20.0 Poloc U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 25/06/04 Shawholm
79 all out 19.2 West of Scotland U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 14/05/04 Hamilton Crescent
119-2 20.0 Glasgow Accies U12 v Uddingston U12 31/05/04 New Anniesland

Highest match aggregate

Total Overs Match Date Ground
235-12 40.0 Prestwick U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 13/08/04 Henry Thow Oval
201-11 40.0 Drumpellier U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 30/07/04 Langloan
198-11 40.0 Glasgow Accies U12 v West of Scotland U12 20/08/04 New Anniesland
171-6 39.4 Glasgow Accies U12 v West of Scotland U12 04/06/04 New Anniesland
159-11 33.3 West of Scotland U12 v Glasgow Accies U12 14/05/04 Hamilton Crescent