Glasgow Accies U13 Team records 2016

Statistic Number Percentage
Matches scheduled 12
Played 11 91.6%
Won 6 54.5%
Drawn 0 0.0%
Tied 1 9.0%
Lost 4 36.3%
Tosses won 3 33.3%
Tosses lost 6 66.6%
Players used 21

Highest innings total

Total Overs Match Date Ground
133-5 20.0 Glasgow Accies U13 v Kilmarnock U13 06/06/16 New Anniesland
128-2 20.0 West of Scotland U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 01/08/16 Hamilton Crescent
120-4 20.0 Ferguslie U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 13/06/16 Meikleriggs
107-5 18.0 East Renfrewshire/Renfrew U13 XI v Glasgow Accies U13 29/08/16 King George V Playing Fields
106-2 20.0 West of Scotland U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 09/05/16 Hamilton Crescent

Lowest innings total

Total Overs Match Date Ground
83 all out 18.1 Stenhousemuir U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 20/06/16 The Tryst
86-7 20.0 Stirling County U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 30/05/16 Williamfield
89 all out 17.5 Glasgow Accies U13 v Ayr U13 27/06/16 New Anniesland
105-8 19.5 Greenock U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 18/07/16 Glenpark
106-2 20.0 West of Scotland U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 09/05/16 Hamilton Crescent

Highest match aggregate

Total Overs Match Date Ground
256-6 40.0 West of Scotland U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 01/08/16 Hamilton Crescent
225-9 36.0 East Renfrewshire/Renfrew U13 XI v Glasgow Accies U13 29/08/16 King George V Playing Fields
213-7 39.2 West of Scotland U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 09/05/16 Hamilton Crescent
209-13 39.5 Greenock U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 18/07/16 Glenpark
207-12 40.0 Ferguslie U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 13/06/16 Meikleriggs

Lowest match aggregate

Total Overs Match Date Ground
133-15 34.5 Stirling County U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 30/05/16 Williamfield
196-19 38.1 Stenhousemuir U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 20/06/16 The Tryst
207-12 40.0 Ferguslie U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 13/06/16 Meikleriggs
209-13 39.5 Greenock U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 18/07/16 Glenpark
213-7 39.2 West of Scotland U13 v Glasgow Accies U13 09/05/16 Hamilton Crescent