Changes to Division 5

Update from the Western Union:

"In accordance with conditions laid down at the WDCU AGM [held on Monday 10th November 2008 at Shawholm (Poloc CC)], in recent days, Scot-Indians C.C. and Glasgow Ansar C.C. have been advised, because they have been unable to gain access to a dedicated ground to fulfill all their WDCU home fixtures for the 2009 season, that they will be excluded from the WDCU Saturday League for this season.

This is not a decision that has been taken lightly by the Committee but one that was taken with the interests of the Saturday League at heart.

As Division 3 fixtures have already been arranged, the division will run with only 9 teams this season. It is hoped that for matches previously arranged with Scot-Indians, for which a venue is available, might be played as friendly matches.

As regards Division 5, this division will now be contested by 10 clubs - this will remove the need for a "split"."

Edit: The 3XI and 4XI fixtures have now been updated.