Glasgow Accies U16 All-time team records

Statistic Number Percentage
Matches scheduled 58
Played 49 84.4%
Won 35 71.4%
Drawn 0 0.0%
Tied 0 0.0%
Lost 14 28.5%
Tosses won 16 41.0%
Tosses lost 23 58.9%
Players used 63

Highest innings total

Total Overs Match Date Ground
189-3 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v West of Scotland U16 15/07/19 New Anniesland
186-5 20.0 East Renfrewshire/Renfrew U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 18/07/22 Ground
167-5 19.1 Ayr U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 11/06/18 New Cambusdoon
166-5 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v East Kilbride/Langside U16 13/06/22 New Anniesland
166-5 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Stenhousemuir/Uddingston U16 27/06/22 New Anniesland
163-5 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Gordonians U16 14/08/22 Doo'cot Park
160-8 20.0 East Kilbride/Langside U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 03/07/23 Torrance House
158-2 16.3 Prestwick U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 13/07/23 Henry Thow Oval
153-5 20.0 Clydesdale U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 06/06/22 Titwood
148-7 20.0 Hillhead/West of Scotland U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 14/08/23 Hughenden

Lowest innings total

Total Overs Match Date Ground
31-10 13.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v East Renfrewshire/Renfrew U16 22/07/19 New Anniesland
57 all out 14.5 Glasgow Accies U16 v Carlton U16 30/07/23 Scroggie Park
65-8 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Clydesdale U16 25/06/19 New Anniesland
79-10 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Grange U16 14/08/22 Doo'cot Park
87 all out 18.3 Glasgow Accies U16 v Clydesdale U16 25/06/18 The School Ground
111-6 20.0 Renfrew U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 18/06/18 King George V Playing Fields
116-7 20.0 Poloc U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 06/08/18 Shawholm
122-6 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Greenock U16 08/07/19 New Anniesland
134-5 20.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v West of Scotland U16 08/06/22 New Anniesland
136 all out 18.1 Glasgow Accies U16 v Ferguslie U16 28/05/18 New Anniesland

Highest match aggregate

Total Overs Match Date Ground
330-10 39.1 Ayr U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 11/06/18 New Cambusdoon
313-5 36.3 Prestwick U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 13/07/23 Henry Thow Oval
307-6 40.0 Clydesdale U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 06/06/22 Titwood
302-14 38.1 Glasgow Accies U16 v Ferguslie U16 28/05/18 New Anniesland
282-12 34.3 Glasgow Accies U16 v West of Scotland U16 15/07/19 New Anniesland
278-15 40.0 East Renfrewshire/Renfrew U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 18/07/22 Ground
268-10 39.2 Glasgow Accies U16 v Clydesdale U16 06/06/23 New Anniesland
266-9 40.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Prestwick U16 17/07/23 New Anniesland
264-16 40.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Perth Doo’cot U16 30/07/23 The Cricket Ground
259-12 40.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Clydesdale U16 II 09/07/18 The School Ground

Lowest match aggregate

Total Overs Match Date Ground
188-15 34.5 Glasgow Accies U16 v Carlton U16 30/07/23 Scroggie Park
211-13 40.0 Glasgow Accies U16 v Clydesdale U16 25/06/19 New Anniesland
233-12 40.0 Renfrew U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 18/06/18 King George V Playing Fields
278-15 40.0 East Renfrewshire/Renfrew U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 18/07/22 Ground
302-14 38.1 Glasgow Accies U16 v Ferguslie U16 28/05/18 New Anniesland
307-6 40.0 Clydesdale U16 v Glasgow Accies U16 06/06/22 Titwood

Most successful partnerships

Batters No. Runs Highest Average
Ramsay Brown and Nasratullah Safi 4 101 53 25.25
Rahim Roghani and Nasratullah Safi 4 151 71 37.75
Murray Bett and Ramsay Brown 3 90 48 30.00
Ekaansh Kapila and Sohrab Mohammadi 3 22 19 7.33